保健產品推介 Options


• 螺旋藻含有多种氨基酸,包括人体必需但自身不能合成的氨基酸( 氨酸、异氨酸、亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、蛋氨酸、色氨酸、苏氨酸、赖氨酸)。

We questioned them for recommendations and as opposed them with our notes, and afterwards compiled this details to provide you with a list of the greatest products and solutions in the marketplace.



will not treat the human frame with medication, but somewhat will remedy and forestall illness with nourishment - Thomas Edison"



will not handle the human body with medication, but somewhat will get rid of and stop ailment with diet - Thomas Edison"

will no more address the human frame with medicine, but instead will heal and stop condition with nourishment - Thomas Edison"

* 指定銷售商包括列載於衞生署藥物辦公室的持牌藥商;及我們訂明並會適時更新的指定商戶名單之實體及網上銷售商。

Utilized 保健產品推介 in herbal medicine to assist decrease urologic signs and symptoms affiliated with mild to reasonable benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

雞蛋、雞、 豬、火雞、吞拿魚、馬鈴薯、蕃薯、香菇、蘑菇、牛油果、糙米、葵花籽等

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